Articles in this series
We have seen alot of multi-stage docker image, however one that perplexing has always been NextJS, they are huge unlike other. Go Language has...
In this article we are going to explore setting up Atlantis in Alibaba. You can also set it up in AWS EKS. This tutorial is slightly different than...
One of the requirement as DevOps is to constantly optimize build process. Today if you're shipping container images with Docker and your Dockerfiles...
Copy a container image from one repository to another the pro way sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y skopeo Copy the Image Using skopeo: You...
Throughout many companies that I have been, I have seen many combinations of tech used especially in the CI/CD, examples like these Technologies:...
This is an infra deployment using Github, Terraform, Atlantis, and AWS ECR + ECS The goal here is to deploy AWS infrastructure ECR + ECS using IaC...