Docker challenge


2 min read

  1. Copy a container image from one repository to another the pro way

     sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y skopeo

    Copy the Image Using skopeo: You can use skopeo copy to move the image directly from the source to the destination registry.

     # Set the source and destination images
     # Copy image from source to destination
     skopeo copy $SOURCE_REPO $DEST_REPO

    Alternatively use docker buildx

     # Set source and destination repositories
     # Create a new multi-platform image in the destination repository
     docker buildx imagetools create --tag "$DEST_REPO" "$SOURCE_REPO"
  2. Copy a Multi-Platform Image from One Repository to Another

     # Set source and destination repositories
     # Get all tags from the source repository (adjust the tag fetch mechanism if not using Docker Hub)
     tags=$(curl -s "${SOURCE_REPO}/tags" | jq -r '.results[].name')
     # Loop through each tag and copy the multi-platform image
     for tag in $tags; do
       # Create a new multi-platform image with the source image
       docker buildx imagetools create --tag "${DEST_REPO}:${tag}" "${SOURCE_REPO}:${tag}"
  3. Copy all image tags from one repository to another

     # Set source and destination repositories
     # Fetch all tags from the source repository
     tags=$(curl -s "${SOURCE_REPO}/tags" | jq -r '.results[].name')
     # Loop through each tag
     for tag in $tags; do
       # Pull the image with the current tag
       docker pull "${SOURCE_REPO}:${tag}"
       # Tag the image for the destination repository
       docker tag "${SOURCE_REPO}:${tag}" "${DEST_REPO}:${tag}"
       # Push the image to the destination repository
       docker push "${DEST_REPO}:${tag}"
       # Optionally, remove the images from the local system
       docker rmi "${SOURCE_REPO}:${tag}" "${DEST_REPO}:${tag}"